Unfortunately, this skillset also has an equal chance of backfiring on him if his defense isn't well-built enough. I Shall Taunt You: Part of his Kingdom skillset that helps enemies focus on attacking him only, thus can tank hits for other Cookies in the team to safely attack.Compressed Hair: He has long hair, if the comics are any indication, but only a small curl of it can be seen sticking out of his helmet.Butt-Monkey: Every time he gets his screen time in Kingdom, he suffers one way or another by either his lady’s whims or outside factors.Blood Knight: In his Icewind Cavalier costume, Knight expresses his desire to cut more than just the tail.Beleaguered Assistant: Princess Cookie’s impulsiveness exhausts him to no end, as he always has to run after her to keep her both safe and in check.He's also a focus character of the "Tropical Soda Islands" storyline. Ascended Extra: Accompanying Princess Cookie, he appears as a side-protagonist alongside GingerBrave and company in Kingdom’s Map 10 and 11 featuring her hometown.Knight Cookie charges forward, dealing area damage, and taunts enemies, forcing them to attack Knight Cookie. In Kingdom, Knight Cookie is a Defense Cookie placed at the front, and his skill is called Cavalry Charge. In both LINE Cookie Run and Ovenbreak, he speeds up significantly after collecting a Blast powerup. But his skills as a knight cannot be underestimated, if his achievement of cutting off the tail of The Dreaded Pitaya Dragon Cookie is any indication! He tends to get himself into trouble, whether it be through bad luck on his part or from Princess Cookie giving it to him thanks to her rebelliousness. Released in: Version 1.0 (Launch of Cookie Run: Kingdom)Ī dedicated knight with a sword and a trusty stead of his own who protects Princess Cookie and has trouble expressing his feelings. ”Once more, I have kept the princess safe!” Out of Focus: As if it's not enough to be the big example of Adaptational Wimp in this franchise, Skater Cookie also gets less screen time than GingerBright to the point he never appears in spin-offs!.Implausible Boarding Skills: While it's a traditional skateboard, the fact that he takes it with him over all the treacherous terrain the Cookies traverse qualifies him.Hidden Depths: Besides his love for skateboarding, Skater Cookie likes to ski as well! ◊.Eye-Obscuring Hat: His eyes are always hidden by his cap.Cool Board: Shaped like a candy cane and, apparently, limited edition.

Adapted Out: For one reason or another, Skater Cookie is no longer present at all in the current version of the wraparound story of GingerBrave's Tale like he was in the original version.Though his ability remains unchanged, the speed of Ovenbreak is noticeably slower than LINE Cookie Run, so while he's still the fastest, he's not as fast.